Ranchers Who Review Movies.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Alright so I figured before I did what I needed to do today I'd write yet another review. This time a review for the latest Harry Potter entry.

I'll start by saying I didn't particularly like the books (More so how they read. I thought the story line was decent.) But I did NOT read the Half-Blood Prince. Though both occasions I saw the movie I was with people who had. It's your typical Harry Potter movie. Lot's of high priced effects, not so much in terms of acting depth, but that story element that has you guessing the whole time.

Still this time around I spent more time going, "Wtf is going on?" Then actually enjoying myself. Yeah the spells are great, and I'm even growing to think the new guy playing Albus Dumbledore is doing well and FINALLY coming into the role that Richard Harris had nailed to a T prior to his death.

Still the plot was filled with more holes then Swiss Cheese, things just didn't make sense. Even before I knew things had been removed it seemed like a TON of parts had been pulled out and were missing.

Things never added up and the whole movie seemed like a proverbial circle jerk for fans of the book who'd most likely read it even just before going into the theatre.

The acting had even dropped a notch. The older guys and girls seemed to handle their roles well, but Harry and the gang of misfits couldn't hold it down. A particular scene where Hermione is crying and angry comes to mind. I mean I know teenage girls make no sense when they're upset, and often blow things out of proportion... But come on REALLY!? That's the best you could do!?

As I said before it just made no sense to me. The end was a spectacle, some of the spells were amazing, but even a death scene that should have been epic was just skipped quickly over.

Ontop of the horribly long wait time, this Harry Potter disappointed me. I think I'll wait for a DVD before I get the next one.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 5.0/10 "Expeliarmus! Why do all the spells sound like an expansion on the Toys-R-Us chain of stores?"

Death Race

Alright let me start this one off by saying, no I never saw the original.

With that in mind I'll continue.

The premise is sound. It's your typical, guy gets framed, guy goes to prison, and finds out some whole pyramid scheme was in place to get him there.

It's a bit cliche these days, but it's worked. And the addition of violence and gore. Well that's always a plus. Of course it's dumbed down in the same respect, there is no guessing in this, and it's one of those movies you leave your brain behind for. Regardless Death Race is a whole hell of a lot of fun.

I normally think Tyrese Gibson (Or whatever the hell that dudes name is) Can't act. Truth is he really can't, but this part... He fits it well. He's so over the top, and trying SO hard to be so tough that it fits the bill of his character, "Machine Gun Joe".

Jason Statham pulls off the typical bad ass hero routine (Isn't that all he ever does?). But he does it so well that even knowing he's ultimately just an actor... I'd not want to talk shit to him in a bar. I didn't like the beginning when they tried to convince me this tough guy was some family man, but hey. Things aren't supposed to be perfect.

The chick. Not his main chick, the warden... Can't remember the actress' name. But she was pretty amusing. Pulled off the hardcore bitch attitude that really needed to tie this together.

Like I said before, it's not a brainy flick, but it is a good action movie. If you like cars, guns, and death... I'd recommend this movie to you.

Death Race: 7.0/10 "VROOM goes the car?"

The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor

Alright so I went into this movie with high hopes, (Okay I lied I waited for it to come out on cable.) Still I liked the previous two, why wouldn't I like this one?

Well after a few minutes I was informed of why. Evie (Or however you spell the name) was not the same. She had gone from being that action craving, slightly attractive, English chick... To a... Girl who couldn't pretend she had an accent if there was a voice over.

Now I don't know the actress, she was in that David Spade movie: Dickie Roberts (Something), and I hated her then. She couldn't act. And sadly that trend carried over with her... But whatever I thought. Maybe it'll pan out well anyway.

I was then notified of why no. It would not pan out.

Come to find out the action seekers are not who they once were. They're now this "settling" down family with a son who for lack of a better word, "SUCKS".

Brenden Fraser (Or however you spell his name.) Is not in his prime acting in this movie, but he still brings that attitude I liked from the former movies. Still the con's definitely outweigh the pro's. Even I couldn't sit through this whole thing without falling asleep.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 2.5/10 "The best way to learn to fish with your gun."

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Incredible Hulk

I am a huge Marvel fan. I never really got into comic books, but I loved the cartoons (Namely X-men and the ideas behind it.) I watched the shows as a kid, found the movies to be great, and even began reading comic books simply because of my love for them. This of course all culiminated into who I am now. I love superhero's. Not the pure honest kind that DC tries to portray (I do love Batman though.) But the gritty, problem filled characters who I can relate too.

So with all that being said, here is my review of a slightly older movie, The Incredible Hulk.

While at first I must say, I waited to see this one on cable. I wasn't going to shell out 14 and change just to see it as I never really cared for the hulk. Still I must say while my choice to watch it at home was the right choice... This movie is seriously far better then I expected it to be.

We all know the story of the Hulk, a big green monster (With a geeky-nerdy counterpart) who when angry destroy's anything and everything. The movie does a great job at showing off the true powers of the Hulk, but it also does one better. It shows the struggle of Bruce Banner in his daily life.

While the entire range of needed elements are here (Love, violence, guns, etc) The only thing really truly lacking in the Hulk is some sort of explanation. I saw Watchmen a while back and I was stunned. Every character was explained. Every element was detailed. But The Incredible Hulk seemed like an expansion pack. A sequel as it were.

Had I not known things about the Hulk I'd have seriously been questioning everything, (WHY didn't the Hulk attack little miss hotty AKA Liv Tyler?).

So in short, it's a good movie. The action scenes are top notch and this is another superhero movie worth a nod at the very least. Though be warned, if you have no prior knowledge of The Hulk, you might just want to google a bio of some kind.

The Incredible Hulk 5.0/10 "Hulk, angry at mediocre number! Rawwggghhhh"

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Okay so perhaps I was one of the people who swore they were going to see this movie when watching the preview then miraculously missed it ever being released or even put on DVD.

Still when I realized I'd missed seeing this comedy on the big screen a shame fell over me that even three shots and some 99 cent taco's couldn't cure.

I went expecting greatness, and I have to say, I wasn't disappointed.

The movie is far from revolutionary, but it is a concept hard pressed to find in movies these days. Comedic actors poking fun at the demographic they aim to rake in.


The story is about a group of old friends obsessed with watching the soon to be released Episode One movie before it's released. Their journey takes them on a long perilous journey against Trekkies, meeting the Shatner, and even finding love.

Yes this movie has it all, it's got all those things we all planned out in depth and wanted so desperately to do. I was laughing quite a bit at this movie, and if you're a rancher. You will too.

Fanboys 8.9/10 "Luke, I Am Your Movie."

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our Mission Statement.

So we're ranchers and we like to watch movies. Though we may not be ranchers in the ranch aspect, we're city ranchers.

What does this mean? It means we're ranchers who know how to use a computer. And we don't really have farm animals. But we do have pets. And those are kind of like farm animals.

We'll review movies and bring you the ultimate judgment on them.

After all,

"If a rancher wouldn't watch it, why should I?"